- One will come along eventually. 下一班车总会来的。
- Men are like buses: another one will eventually come along. 男人像公共汽车:下一班迟早会来。
- Don't worry about Badger.He will come along one day. 你不用担心獾啦,他总有一天会来的。
- Eg: A bus will come along any time now. 现在巴士随时会来。
- The corn will come along better if it rains. 如果下雨,玉米会长得更好。
- Jenny will come along with us today to lunch. 今天珍妮将会陪我们去吃中饭。
- Some day Mr.Right will come along and sweep you off your feet. 总有一天,你心目中的白马王子会出现,让你坠入爱河。
- As you learn to syncopate the rotation of one's own molecules to the sounds of the crickets, one will come into divine timing. 当你学会将自身分子的转动切分到蟋蟀的声浪中时,你将进入神圣时间。
- Lets work together to give all our cosmo in this first season, the second one will come later, but first the first step, lets do it now. 让我们一起将小宇宙投入到第一季中吧,第二季也将继续,但是还是把第一季做好。
- Here is the telephone numer for accidental use, which you can dial when you have any problem, and then some one will come to meet you. 这是路上紧急情况下要用的电话号码,如果你有什么问题,只要打个电话就会有人来接你。
- One of the things that saddens me most is a depressing saying that whenever I am in trouble or danger no one will come to my assistance. 璠妈常说要自强不息!这个道理我懂,但是当我独自面对一切的时候,我仍然彷徨!
- I have stocked it with up-to-date goods,and I shall regard it as a favour if you will come along and look at them. 本店现有时新商品,如能光顾,则非常感谢。
- NIV]' As surely as I live,' declares the King, whose name is the Lord Almighty,' one will come who is like Tabor among the mountains, like Carmel by the sea. [和合]君18王,名为万军之耶和华的,说:“我指着我的永生起誓,尼布甲尼撒(文作“他”)的势派必象他泊在众山之中,象迦密在海边一样。
- I have stocked it with up-to-date goods, and I shall regard it as a favour if you will come along and look at them. 本店现有时新商品,如能光顾,则非常感谢。
- They keep saying the right person will come along; I think mine got hit by a truck. 人家都说迟早会遇到理想的对象。我想我的理想对象大概被卡车撞死了。
- This notice will come into effect since the afternoon of June 4, 2003. Pervious regulations if not in conformity with this one will be regarded ineffective. 本通知自2003年6月4日起执行。此前下发的相关规定与本通知不一致的,以本通知为准。
- So you spend your time in vague regret or vaguer hope that something good will come along. 所以你再次花时间去茫然地后悔,或茫然地希望接下来会遇上好事情。
- "As surely as I live," declares the King, whose name is the LORD Almighty, "one will come who is like Tabor among the mountains, like Carmel by the sea. 君王名为万军之耶和华的说,我指着我的永生起誓,尼布甲尼撒(原文作他)来的势派必像他泊在众山之中,像迦密在海边一样。
- Eventually, one will stab the other in the back. 最终,联盟的一方会对另一方背后捅刀子。
- Rather than coalescing freed chunks, leave them at their current sizes in hopes that another request for the same size will come along soon. 不把被释放的块合并起来,而是让他们保持当前大小以期望不久会有一个相同大小的请求。